Curriculum vitae: Keith Hart


Co-editor Human Economy Series, Berghahn Books

Professor of Anthropology Emeritus, Goldsmiths, University of London

Born: 1943 Manchester, England

Address: 135 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière, 75009 Paris, France

Email: Website:

Telephone: +33684797365 (cell), +33140160184 (home)


BA (Classics, Social Anthropology) first class, Cambridge University

PhD Social Anthropology, Cambridge University

Previous appointments

2011-2018 0.5 international Director, Human Economy Program and Visiting Professor of Anthropology, University of Pretoria

20013-2016 0.3 Centennial Professor of Economic Anthropology, Department of International Development, London School of Economics and Politics

2008-2013 Honorary Professor of Development Studies, University of Kwazulu Natal

2006 – 2008 0.5 Professor of Anthropology, Goldsmiths, University of London

2004 – 2006 0.5 Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, Goldsmiths, University of London

1999 – 2003 Senior Research Fellow, Arkleton Centre for Rural Development Research, University of Aberdeen

2003 Visiting Professor in African Studies and Anthropology, Northwestern University

2002 – 2004 Masters on Development, International Labour Office, Turin

2001 – 2002 Visiting Professor in Social Anthropology, University of Oslo

2001 Visiting Fellow, Globalization Program, University of Chicago

1999 Masters on Rural and Urban Africa, University of Stellenbosch

1998 – 2000 Masters on Cooperation and Development, University of Pavia

1992 – 1998 Director, African Studies Centre, University of Cambridge

1989 – 1998 Lecturer in Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge

1988 – 1992 Teaching Fellow in Social Anthropology, Girton College, Cambridge

1986 – 1988 Commonwealth Professor, Consortium Graduate School of the Social Sciences, University of the West Indies, Jamaica

1984 – 1989 Assistant Lecturer in Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge

1982 – 1983 Visiting Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Chicago

1981 – 1982 Visiting Associate Professor of Anthropology, McGill University

1979 Consultant, Report on the Development of Agriculture in West Africa, USAID

1979 – 1981 Visiting Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Michigan

1976 Consultant, Report on Labour Conditions in Hong Kong, Foreign Office

1975 – 1979 Associate Professor of Anthropology (tenured), Yale University

1972 – 1973 Consultant, Development Strategies Mission to Papua New Guinea

1972 – 1974 Author, Quarterly Reports on West Africa, Economist Intelligence Unit

1971 – 1975 Lecturer in Social Anthropology, University of Manchester

1970 Consultant, Cayman Islands Manpower Survey

1969 – 1971 Lecturer, Overseas Development Group, University of East Anglia


Otto Herschfeld Lecture, Humboldt University, Berlin, 2015

Keynote speaker, World Customs Union and World Bank conference, ‘International trade, informality and customs’, Brussels, 2013.

Distinguished Visiting Professor, School of Social Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 2007

Cambridge Foundation Teaching Prize, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Cambridge, 1994

Malinowski Lecturer, London School of Economics, 1986

Patchett Classics Scholar, St. John’s College, Cambridge, 1961-63


Innovations in teaching

Africa in world history (12 lectures in Pretoria 2013), SOAS Radio Soundcloud (MP3s)

Chair, Committee for IT and AVA in the humanities and social sciences, Cambridge

Chair, Committee for reorganization of Archaeology and Anthropology Part I, Cambridge

Professor, new graduate programme for the social sciences in the Commonwealth Caribbean

Co-founder, Council for the Comparative Study of Culture and Society, Yale

Chair, Women’s Studies program, Yale

Other professional activities

Field research: Ghana, Liberia, Jamaica, South Africa

Editor (with J. Sharp) Human Economy Series, Berghahn Books, New York and Oxford.

Editorial Board: Critique of Anthropology, Anthropological Theory, Journal des Anthropologues, Progress in Development Studies, Social Transformations: Journal of the Global  South

Organized conferences: Economy and democracy – the human economy ( 2013); Money in the making of world society (2014)

Keynote speaker at conferences: Uppsala, London, Bangkok, Durban, Helsinki, Washington DC, Accra, London, Copenhagen, Irvine, Oslo, The Hague, Prague, Brussels.

Invited speaker: Britain, USA, Canada, South Africa, India, Brazil, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Romania, Mexico.

Founder, Open Anthropology Co-operative (, Prickly Pear Press and the amateur anthropological association (small triple a); owner of website/blog,

Contributor to Anthropology Today, The Times Higher, Economic and Political Weekly, magazines and mailing lists

Principal Publications

Books/Whole works:

1982 The Political Economy of West African Agriculture, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ix, 226p.

1989 (Editor) Women and the Sexual Division of Labour in the Caribbean, University of the West Indies Press, Consortium Graduate School, Kingston, 141p. New edition: Canoe Press, 1996, 148p.

1993 (Editor with A. Grimshaw), C.L.R. James, American Civilization, Blackwell, Oxford, 385p.

1993 (1996 2nd edition) (With A. Grimshaw), Anthropology and the Crisis of the Intellectuals, Prickly Pear pamphlet no.1, Prickly Pear Press, Cambridge, 53p.

1995 (Editor with J. Lewis) Why Angola Matters, J. Currey, London (in association with Cambridge University’s African Studies Centre), 191p.

2000 The Memory Bank: money in an unequal world, Profile Books, London, ix, 340p. Re-published 2001 as Money in an Unequal World: Keith Hart and his memory bank, Texere, New York and London, ix, 341p.

2000 (with G. Munro) The Highland Problem: State and community in local development (Arkleton Research Papers No 1), Arkleton Centre for Rural Development, Aberdeen.

2004 (Editor with J. Bryden) A New Approach to Rural Development in Europe: Germany, Greece, Scotland, Sweden, Mellen Studies in Geography Volume 9, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston NY, xxvii, 403p.

2005 The Hit Man’s Dilemma: or business, personal and impersonal, University of Chicago Press for Prickly Paradigm Press, Chicago, 117p.

2009 Editor with C. Hann Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today, Cambridge University Press.

2010 Editor with J-L. Laville and A. D. Cattani The Human Economy: a world citizen;s guide, Polity Press, Cambridge.

2010 Editor with A. Caille and P. Chanial Mauss Vivant/the Living Mauss, Revue du MAUSS No. 36.

2011 With C. Hann Economic Anthropology: History, Ethnography, Critique, Polity Press, Cambridge.

2014 (Editor with W. James), Special Issue “Marcel Mauss: a living inspiration”, Journal of Classical Sociology Vol. 14.1.

2014 (Editor with J. Sharp) People, Money and Power in the Economic Crisis: Perspectives from the Global South, Berghahn, New York.

2015 (Editor) Economy For and Against Democracy, Berghahn, New York.

2017 (Editor) Money in a Human Economy, Berghahn, New York

2021-22 Self in the World: Connecting local and global humanity, Berghahn, New York.

Selected articles and chapters:

1973 Informal income opportunities and urban employment in Ghana, Journal of Modern African Studies 11. 3, 61-89. (Reprinted in several readers)

1978 The economic basis of Tallensi social history in the early twentieth century, in G. Dalton (ed) Research in Economic Anthropology Vol. 1, JAI Press, Greenwich, Conn., 185-216.

1982 On commoditization, in E. Goody (ed) From Craft to Industry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 166-185.

1983 The contribution of Marxism to economic anthropology, in S. Ortiz (ed) Economic Anthropology: Topics and Theories, Universities of America Press, Lanham, 105-144.

1985 The social anthropology of West Africa, Annual Review of Anthropology 14, 243-273.

1986 Heads or tails? Two sides of the coin, Man 21.4, 637-656.

1988 Kinship, contract and trust: the economic organisation of migrants in an African city slum, in D. Gambetta (ed) Trust: Making and Breaking Co-operative Relations, Blackwell, Oxford, 176-193. Reprinted 2003 in E. Khalil (ed) Trust, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
1990 The idea of economy: six modern dissenters, in R Friedland and A.F. Robertson (eds) Beyond the Marketplace: Rethinking Economy and Society, Aldine de Gruyter, New York, 137-160.

1992 Market and state after the Cold War: the informal economy reconsidered, in R. Dilley (ed) Contesting Markets, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 214-227.

1995 (With A. Grimshaw) The rise and fall of scientific ethnography, in A. Ahmed and C. Shore (eds)
The Future of Anthropology, Athlone Press, London, 46-64.

1998 The place of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to the Torres Straits (CAETS) in the history of British social anthropology, Science as Culture: the Human Nature Review

1999 Foreword and editor, R. Rappaport, Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, xiv-xx.

2000 (With V. Padayachee) Indian business in South Africa after apartheid: new and old trajectories, Comparative Studies in Society and History 42. 4, 683-712.

2001 Money in an unequal world, Anthropological Theory 1.3, 307- 330.

2002 Anthropologists and development, Norsk Antropologisk Tijdskrift 13. 1-2, 14-21.

2002 Quelques confidences sur l’anthropologie du développement, No. 2 Nov.,

2002 World society as an old regime, in C. Shore and S. Nugent (eds) Elite Cultures: anthropological perspectives, Routledge, London, 22-36.

2003 Manchester on my mind: a memoir, Global Networks 3. 3: 417-436.

2004 From bell curve to power law: distributional models between national and world society, Social Analysis 48. 3: 220-224.

2004 Notes towards an anthropology of the internet, Horizontes Antropologicos 10. 2: 15-40.

2004 The political economy of food in an unequal world, in Marianne Lien and Brigitte Nerlich (eds) Politics of Food, Berg, Oxford, 199-220.

2005 Money: one anthropologist’s view, in J. Carrier (ed) Handbook of Economic Anthropology, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 160-175.

2006 Agrarian civilization and world society, in D. Olson and M. Cole (eds) Technology, Literacy and the Evolution of Society: Implications of the work of Jack Goody, Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, N.J., 29-48.

2006 Bureaucratic form and the informal economy, in B. Guha-Khasnobis, R. Kanbur and E. Ostrom (eds) Linking the Formal and Informal Economies, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 21-35.

2006 Richesse commune: construire une démocratie économique à l’aide des monnaies communautaires, in Jérôme Blanc (ed) Exclusion et liens financiers – “Monnaies sociales” Economica, Paris, 135-152.

2007 Marcel Mauss: in pursuit of the whole, Comparative Studies in Society and History 49(2): 473-485.

2007 Money is always personal and impersonal, Anthropology Today 23(5), 16-20.

2007 Towards an alternative economics: the view from France, Social Anthropology, 15(3), 369-374.

2007 Interview: Keith Hart answers questions on economic anthropology, European Economic Sociology Newsletter 9 (1), 11-16.

2008 The human economy, ASAonline.

2008 (With H. Ortiz) Anthropology in the financial crisis, Anthropology Today 24.6 1-3.

2009 The persausive power of money in S. Gudeman ed Economic Persuasions, Berghahn, Oxford.

2009 Money in the making of world society in C. Hann and K. Hart eds Market and Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

2009 An anthropologist in the world revolution, Anthropology Today 25.6 24-25.

2009 The great economic revolutions are monetary in nature”. Mauss, Polanyi and the breakdown of the neoliberal world economy, Storicamente, 5. 19.

2010 Mauss et sa vision de l’économie dans les années 1920-25, Revue du MAUSS No. 36, 34-48.

2010 The legal order of gift-giving (Review of R. Hyland Gifts: A study in comparative law, Oxford 2009), European Journal of Sociology 51:3, 559-564.

2010 Kant, ‘anthropology’ and the new human universal, Social Anthropology, 18: 441–447.

  1. Africa’s urban revolution and the informal economy, in V. Padayachee (ed) The Political Economy of Africa, Routledge: London, 371-388.

2010 (with V. Padayachee) Introducing the African economy, in V. Padayachee (ed) The Political Economy of Africa, London: Routledge.

2010 (with V. Padayachee) South Africa in Africa: from national capitalism to regional integration, in V. Padayachee (ed) The Political Economy of Africa, London: Routledge.

2011 The financial crisis and the end of all-purpose money, Economic Sociology: the European Electronic Newsletter 12.2 4-10.

2011 Money as a form of religious life. Religion and Society: Advances in Research 1: 156–63.

2011 Building the human economy: a question of value? Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 36(2): 5-17

2011 After the financial crisis: towards a human economy, Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 3-4, 181-193.

2012 Anthropology, economics and development in Richard Fardon et al (editors) The Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology Volume 1. Sage, London, 154-167.

2012 Money in twentieth century anthropology in James G Carrier (editor) A Handbook of Economic Anthropology, Second edition, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham,166-182.

2012 The financial crisis and the history of money in James G Carrier (editor), as above, 626-637.

2012 Anthropology in B. Fine and A. Saad-Filho (eds) The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 22-27.

2013 Making money with money: reflections of a betting man, in R. Cassidy, A. Pisac and C. Loussouarn (eds) Qualitative Research in Gambling: Exploring the production and consumption of risk, Routledge, London, 15-27.

2013 (with V. Padayachee) A history of South African capitalism in national and global perspective, Transformation 81/82: 55-85.

2014 (with W. James) Marcel Mauss: a living inspiration, Journal of Classical Sociology 14.1: 3-10.

2014 Marcel Mauss’s economic vision, 1920-1925: anthropology, politics, journalism, Journal of Classical Sociology 14.1: 34-44.

2014 Jack Goody: the anthropology of unequal society, Reviews in Anthropology 43.3: 199-220.

2014 The rise and fall of Europe, Economic and Political Weekly 49.34 (August 23): 27-30.

2014 (with H. Ortiz) The anthropology of money and finance: between ethnography and world history, Annual Review of Anthropology 43:465-482.

2014 (with J. Sharp and V. Laterza) South Africa in world development: Prospects for a human economy. Anthropology Today, 30: 13–17.

2015 (with F. Barone) The Open Anthropology Cooperative: Towards an online public anthropology, in S. Pink and S. Abram (eds) Media, Anthropology and Public Engagement. New York: Berghahn, 198-222.

2015 How the informal economy took over the world, in P.Moertenboeck, H. Mooshammer, T, Cruz and F. Forman (eds) Informal Market Worlds Reader: The architecture of economic pressure. NAI010 Publishers, 33-44.

2015 Money in the making of world society. In Lovink, G., Tkacz, N. and de Vries, P. (eds) Moneylab Reader: An intervention in digital economy. Amsterdam: Institute for Network Cultures, 19-31.

2015 Waiting for emancipation: the prospects for liberal revolution in Africa», Open Democracy / ISA RC-47: Open Movements, 26 March.

2016 Prefacio. La Globalización desde Abajo: La otra economia mundial, C. Alba Vega, G. Lins Ribeiro and Gordon Matthews (eds). Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 9-26.

2016 The anthropology of debt, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22.2: 415-421.

2016 Recent transformations in how anthropologists study money, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22.3: 712-716.

2016 Afrique: en attendant l’émancipation J-L Laville and J. Coraggio (dir) Les Gauches du XXIe Siècle: Un dialogue Nord-Sud, Editions Le Bord de l’Eau, Lormont, 351-366.

2017 Review article: Stephen Gudeman, Anthropology and the Economy, Anthropological Forum.

2017. Introduction, Money in a Human Economy, 3-14.

2017. Capitalism and our moment in the history of money, Money in a Human Economy, 15-40.

2017. Greybacks in B. Maurer and L. Swartz Editors Paid: Tales of dongles, checks and other money stuff. Cambridge: MIT Press, 211-220.

2018. Market fundamentalism at the crossroads, Cultural Anthropology (November).

  1. Structural dynamics: forms, networks, numbers (Meyer Fortes in the 1940s) in Bérose – Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l’anthropologie. Paris : IIAC-LAHIC.
  1. Decolonizing Cambridge University: A participant observer’s perspective, Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 36.2: 92-10
  1. (With R. Kaur and J. Comaroff) Southern Futures: Thinking through emerging markets, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 38.2:365-376
  2. Die Eurokrise: Eine Episode in der Weltgeschiche des Geldes. In Jens Adam et al., Europa dezentrieren. Frankfurt: Campus, 239-274.
  3. David Graeber (1961-2020), Anthropology Today 36.6 (December): 33-34.

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