Cambridge lecture on international development

I revisited my old college, St. John’s, Cambridge on 24th February 2009 to give a lecture on “International development: a historical perspective from Cambridge” for Cambridge University International Development on the occasion of the University’s 800th anniversary year. What follows consists of a short Introduction, the lecture in 5 parts and audience discussion in 4 parts, the whole lasting about an hour and a half.

In 1996 I gave a not dissimilar lecture in the same place: Clarkson, Cambridge and the international movement for human rights.

See also Between slavery and emancipation in West Africa.

Lecture:              Part 1,     Part 2,     Part 3,     Part 4,     Part 5.

Discussion:         Part 6,    Part 7,     Part 8,     Part 9

Comments |1|

  • Of course, all very cleverly written, but not everything is so natural as it seems, at first glance and it is quite possible that the opinion of the author does not coincide with public opinion, is too often the case. But clearly we can say one thing: thanks to the author of articles for such a fresh and objective look at this aspect of the issue.