The Book

Table of Contents

Prologue: Alvin


Chapter 1
Money in the Making of Humanity

On money, machines and the market
At home in the world
Reading The Memory Bank
Guide to further reading


Chapter 2
The Machine Revolution Today
A civilisation built on machines
In the long run: the age of mechanisation
The origins of the communications revolution
The birth of the Internet
Between agrarian civilisation and the machine revolution
Guide to further reading

Chapter 3
Capitalism: Making Money with Money
The age of money
The theory of capitalism
The ongoing origins of capitalism
The personal face of capitalism: entrepreneurs
Guide to further reading

Chapter 4
Capitalism: The Political Economy of Development
The twentieth century
The development of global inequality
State capitalism and the informal economy
Virtual capitalism
Guide to further reading


Chapter 5
The Market from a Humanist Point of View
The market, private property and liberal democracy
The anthropological critique of economic individualism
Market relations in time and space
The moral economy of paid and unpaid labour
Changing economic relations between men and women
Beyond wage slavery?
Guide to further reading

Chapter 6
The Changing Character of Money
The history of the money form
Heads or tails? Two sides of the coin
The meaning of money
Money: whence it came and whither it went
Money in the age of the internet
Guide to further reading

Chapter 7
The Future of Money and the Market
Making money, making scenarios
The old regime and the middle-class revolution
People’s money: beyond economic coercion
Building economic infrastructure in the next century
Guide to further reading


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